Sunday, March 23, 2008

East-ah 2008

I went up to Palermo this past weekend to celebrate Easter w/ Nane. The night I arrived, there was a full moon (one day passed) above Gampy's old store. It was big and beautiful...I swear.

Ginny brought Lilly's to the church on Sunday.

And this is proof that, yes indeed-y, I DID accompany her. (And, NO, that's not the front lobby of a nearby pub. If you look close enough, you can see Christ in the background...I swear.)

Then, we went to the Maine Asian Buffet in Waterville for our "holiday feast." And gorged on crab rangoons, chicken and beef in various fried forms, yellow rice with peas, green beans, broccoli bits, oodles o' slippery noodles, cream puffs and 4 scoops of ice cream between the two of us. Ugh, but so dee-lish.

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